Product Testing & Feedback Packages

We offer product testing, feedback and advisory services to businesses of all sizes, no matter whether you're in the product development stage, have a new product or app on the market, or have an established product that needs some refreshing.

Clients find this service useful because we surface issues, give feedback and come up with new ideas which can be acted upon immediately. We draw on our extensive background not only as travelers in 100+ countries, but also in building immersive tourism experiences, tourism marketing and positioning, and a deep understanding of travel consumer demands, trends and psychographic considerations. Our experience not only crosses tourism, but also personal development and education.

For startups who want to get the most actionable and quickest results, we offer the following startup product testing and feedback packages. If you’re interested in more in-depth analysis and advisory, we also offer other packages and longer-term or retained engagements at more favorable rates. Just get in touch to start the conversation.

1. Intro Package 

We undertake the experience or thoroughly test the product/app, using it and interacting as an ordinary traveler would. While evaluating the delivery, interactivity, storytelling and experience positioning ourselves, we also note how other travelers might be engaging (or not), technology features/issues, and other potential opportunities for improvement.

Up to two hours on a feedback call with you/your team. You can set the agenda. The focus would otherwise be: product/experience evaluation, opportunities to improve the experience, delivery, interactivity, storytelling, some considerations for marketing and positioning. We focus not only on the details, but also the broader consideration of target markets.

2. Basic Package

Intro package + strategy questionnaire + 1.5 hour focused advisory call on tourism product differentiation, target market segmentation & hooks, partner/experience selection, social enterprise/sustainability integration.

In advance of our second call, we’ll assemble a series of questions specific to your product or brand related to product development, partner selection, product differentiation/USP, target markets, and sales channels so that we can better focus the call. You can either share the responses in writing in advance or choose to discuss and work through them on the call. As with the first call, you can set the agenda to target where you feel you need the most ideation, advisory and feedback.

3. Full Package

Basic package + brief assessment of your digital assets and messaging. You might have the most amazing experience or product, but if don't have the right positioning, messaging, and marketing your success will be limited. In the full package, we take a look at all of your digital assets — from your website to social media content — and help you tell your story better so you're getting the right messages across and it resonates with your target audience.

If you are interested in one of the service packages above, please get in touch.