Here is where you find can interviews, mentions, awards and accolades, and our professional writing where we've contributed to other publications.
If you are interested in interviewing us or writing about us, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
We are honored to have won the Gold award as Best Responsible Tourism Blog at the World Responsible Tourism Awards at WTM London in 2015.
Table of Contents
Professional Writing and Photography
In addition to the articles and photographs on Uncornered Market, we also write for other publications, websites and brands. Here is a sample of our writing clips, including travel and sustainable tourism articles, photo slideshows, and more.
- Travel with purpose: how to make a difference with social enterprises, Lonely Planet
- Travel as a Force for Good: Social Enterprise and Community Impact, WTTC
- Iran's Province of Surprises, BBC Travel
- Europe's Fierce, Fabled Villages (Svaneti, Georgia), BBC Travel
General Press and Mentions
- Weekend Wanderlust, Washington, D.C. with Lonely Planet and Ford Motor Company
- Envy-inducing Instagram accounts that will inspire you to travel the world, Daily Mail Online
- How We Quit Our Jobs to Travel: The Married Couple
- Instagram snapshots: Daniel Noll on Colombia, The Guardian
- The 25 Best Travel Instagram Accounts, Frommers Travel
- Tourism, A Bright Spot for Iran, Washington Post
- 50 Reasons to #LoveTheWorld, BBC Travel
- What Makes a Good Travel Blog, National Geographic's Intelligent Travel
- 25 Couple Travel Bloggers Share Their Favorite Romantic Getaways, TripAdvisor
- The woes and wonders of traveling with a spouse (or significant other),
- Forbidden travel destinations you can visit, Yahoo Travel
- Tourists see a different Iran reality than ‘Argo' image, USA Today
- Backpacker diaries: travellers' tales from South America, The Guardian
- Christmas holiday travel: backpackers' tales of following yonder star, The Guardian
- Crete: Island of herbs and honey, The Independent
Featured Interviews
- Forms of identification: Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, BBC Travel
- “Respect the local economy, culture and environment” — an interview with WTTC
- Should I Live Life More Spontaneously? Interview with Ayre Kellman,
- Everyday Universal Experiences: Audrey Scott and Dan Noll, AFAR Media
- Top 3 Tips for Traveling Couples,
- Interview US Travelers Visit Iran, Voice of America
- Featured Travelers: Dan and Audrey of Uncornered Market, AFAR Media
- Matador Notebook: Travel Photographer Interviews: Audrey Scott and Daniel Noll, Matador Network
- How To Shoot 360 Degree Panoramas While On The Road – With Audrey Scott And Daniel Noll Of Uncornered Market, Digital Photography School
- The Travel Show (May 2, 2010) with Pauline Frommer
- The Travel Show (November 1, 2009) with Arthur and Pauline Frommer
- What Successful Brands Know that You Don’t: Leveraging Bloggers for Better Branding, Adventure Travel News
- Radio Enso Episode 24 with Dan and Audrey from Uncornered Market and Radio Enso Episode #133 with Dan and Audrey from Uncornered Market, Radio Enso
- Uncornered Market Q&A: Audrey and Dan on Iran, Gadling
- Traveler Postcard: Audrey and Daniel in Iran, BootsnAll
- A Conversation with Audrey Scott, Travel Writing 2.0
- Developing Rapport, an Interview with Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, Prague Post
- If I had a Superpower: Dan and Audrey of Uncornered Market, Bridges and Balloons
- One Handshake at a Time, Full Circle Around the Globe, US Center for Citizen Diplomacy
- Scranton City Native and Wife Discover It’s a Small World after All, Scranton Times
Awards and Accolades
- Best Responsible Tourism Blog at World Tourism Awards WTM London 2015
- Eco-warrior winners of World Responsible Tourism Awards 2015, National Geographic Traveller
- The 20 best travel blogs, NineMSN
- Best Blogs to Follow in 2016, Discover Corps
- Travel The World With These 10 Instagram Accounts,
- The 150 Best Instagram Accounts of 2015, Daily Tekk
- Top Travel Blogs of 2015, Tripping
- Read These Great ‘Travel for Good’ Blogs to Become a More Ethical Traveler, Moving Worlds
- Most Well-Traveled Travel Bloggers, FlipKey Blog
- Top 25 Couples Travel Blogs to Follow in 2014, FlipKey Blog
- 16 Travel Instagram Accounts To Follow For Summer Holiday Inspiration, Marie Claire
- The Top 100 Travel Photographers in the World 2015, Chilli Sauce
- 12 Awesome Travelers on Twitter Who Rock the Planet, Huffington Post
- 12 travel bloggers you should read in 2012,
- Best Round-the-World Travel Blogs, BootsnAll
- 20 Awesome Instagram Travel Photographers You Need to Follow, Expert Vagabond
- Top 50 Travel Blogs to Follow, Trek Effect
- Top 20 Photography Bloggers of 2015, Holiday Lettings, Trip Advisor
Other Interviews
- Interview on the Expat Chat
- Global Table Adventure: Interview: Dan and Audrey from Uncornered Market, Global Table Adventures
- Nomadic Interviews: Uncornered Market, Never Ending Voyage
- Lucky 13 Questions, Go See Write
- Dan & Audrey: Uncornered Market, Loving Boldly
- Jet Set Citizen: Interview with World Travelers, Uncornered Market, Jet Set Citizen
- Sharing Travel Experiences: Getting Inspired by Audrey and Daniel from Uncornered Market, Sharing Travel Experiences
- Travels With Two: Traveling Couple: Audrey Scott and Daniel Noll, Travels with Two
- Love on the Road: 5 Questions to 5 Digital Nomad Couples, Nomad is Beautiful
- Best in Travel Blogs:, Global Base Camps
- Travel Photographer Interview – Featuring Uncornered Market, Ordinary Traveler
- Audrey Scott: Fall Itinerary and Experiences in Tuscany, Tuscany Arts
- The Location Independent Lifestyle, Travel with a Mate
- 25 Couples Travel Bloggers, Trip Advisor