Maremma: Hidden Tuscany [Audio Slideshow]

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Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Audrey Scott

We'd like to think of ourselves as rather savvy when it comes to Italy, having married in Tuscany and having visited a dozen times throughout the last decade.  But when a friend recommended we visit the Maremma region during our 10th anniversary trip to Tuscany this past autumn, we were intrigued.  Maremma?   Seen it on maps, never really paid it much mind.

Names like Pitigliano, Sorano and Manciano don’t usually roll off the tip of one’s tongue when talking Tuscan hill towns. Same goes for wines and cuisine from Maremma.

But that's what motivated us to visit – unknown, hidden, maybe even a little bit wild.

Check out the audio slideshow below to find out what we found:  a grape festival, trademark hill towns, terrific food and wine. We're almost afraid to say too much. When you find something this peaceful, this untouched, you think, “I might just keep this one for myself.”

Turn your volume on/up. Full screen = 4-arrows icon at right; press captions for photo captions.

More Photos from Maremma


Special thanks goes to Juilio Detto for introducing us to his home region, the Commune of Manciano for putting us up at La Rocca dei Briganti agriturismo, and La Filanda Restaurant for welcoming us into their kitchen with our cameras and endless questions.

About Audrey Scott
Audrey Scott is a writer, storyteller, speaker and tourism development consultant. She aims to help turn people's fears into curiosity and connection. She harbors an obsession for artichokes and can bake a devastating pan of brownies. You can keep up with her adventures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And you can learn more about her on the About Page and on LinkedIn.

12 thoughts on “Maremma: Hidden Tuscany [Audio Slideshow]”

  1. Okay, my heart is breaking a LITTLE bit because I have an absolutely LOVELY friend in Manciano. Marciano? Monciano? I can’t remember how to spell it, but she is RIGHT THERE. And it would have delighted me endlessly to send you to her little villa at the end of the road.

    Next time. Next time.

  2. @Ayngelina: Tuscany is not going away any time soon, so I’m sure you’ll get to it on your travels at some point. It’s a beautiful place.

    Glad you enjoyed the audio slideshow. We’ve done a few of these and hope to do more of them in the new year.

    @Pam: What a shame we didn’t know earlier about your friend in Manciano. Our road trip kind of came together in a go with the whim sort of way towards the end. Sounds like a lovely setting – a villa at the end of road. Yes, next time. Definitely.

  3. @Alexandra: That pumpkin ravioli was pretty darn good. You can find it at Trattoria La Pappal Pomodoro (Via Roma 92) in Pitigliano (see #4: But, it was a weekly special, so just be sure to go during pumpkin season. Also, try to arrive in Pitigliano in the morning so that you have a chance to visit the synagogue – it was closed when we were there at lunchtime, unfortunately.

    Thanks again for the suggestion to visit Maremma in the first place!

  4. I’m glad you had such a great experience in my beloved Maremma. I haven’t explored southern maremma as much as the more northern part; sounds like I should make a trip if only for that pumpkin ravioli ;-). Please please write me the name of the restaurant!

  5. What a fun way to take us through your Tuscany experience – love the pace and photos; you have me aching to go back though…and now I’m hungry (which is a pretty frequent state when I leave your blog! 😉

  6. @Shannon: It’s easy to come away from anything connected to Tuscany hungry – the food is really so fresh and lovely. Glad you enjoyed the pace & format of the audio slideshow!

  7. You guys rock! Thanks for sharing your insight and love of travel. You’re a great resource when planning our own trip!! Thanks!

  8. @Jules: Thanks! Am glad our site is proving useful. Any questions after reading through it all, just let us know.

  9. It is great to know that you enjoyed the Maremma.. this area of Tuscany is still really not known abroad, which makes it so special and, as you said, less touristy! I wish I could embed your lovely presentation on my blog and link back to you.. do you think it is possible?

  10. @Raffaella: Thanks for stopping by and your interest in the audio slideshow. At the moment we would prefer to keep this embedded only on our site. You are welcome to link to it from your blog or describe it and link to it if that would work for you. Thanks for understanding.


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