Exploring the Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran

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Last Updated on April 26, 2024 by Audrey Scott

There's nothing like early morning light falling through a stained-glass window…casting designs on a Persian carpet…amidst immaculately tiled pink columns.

This is the winter prayer hall inside the Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.

Exploring the Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.
Fisheye view from inside the Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.

When we entered the complex of Masjed-e Nasir-ol-Molk (a.k.a. Pink Mosque), we initially figured the intricately tiled exterior for the main attraction. Then we went into the winter prayer hall and realized how wrong we were.

Imagine sitting in the middle of this room with the warmth of stained-glass light around you. A beautiful feeling. A beautiful place.

Disclosure: Our trip to Iran is in cooperation with G Adventures as Wanderers in Residence. We paid our own transport to and from Iran, some expenses on the ground and for an additional one week private tour. As always, the opinions expressed here are entirely our own.

About Audrey Scott
Audrey Scott is a writer, storyteller, speaker and tourism development consultant. She aims to help turn people's fears into curiosity and connection. She harbors an obsession for artichokes and can bake a devastating pan of brownies. You can keep up with her adventures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And you can learn more about her on the About Page and on LinkedIn.

9 thoughts on “Exploring the Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran”

  1. AMAZING! My favorite so far! The colors and detail are incredible! I never get tired of looking at your panoramas. So cool

    Your panoramas are one of those special things that I hope people are sharing.

  2. B-E-A-utiful. Moreover stained glass always makes me take a step back in awe and marvel at the fact that medieval artists had unknowingly become nanotechnologists.

  3. @Bahare: Hop to it! Shiraz is a beautiful city. Get to the Pink Mosque (and the prayer room) in the early morning!

    @Sutapa: As usual, your comments are too kind!

    @Mark: The Pink Mosque is a package deal. Seems that way with all the prime bits of Islamic architecture we saw while in Iran.

    @Dean: Another vote for the ceiling. Quite honestly, I look back and think it was very difficult to truly capture the color and feeling of the place.

    @Adam: Thanks. We, too. I suspect they are.

    @Priyank: That’s quite funny, actually. I figured the goal is actually to *focus* you and your thoughts.

    @Kiran: Medieval artists (and many more before them) knew and understood more than we often give them credit for. You could say they were ahead of their times.

    @Agne: Aciu!


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